All About Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Daftar Perbaikan Bangunan & Struktur (Repair) Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

Salah satu tugas utama kamu selain memulihkan mercusuar adalah memperbaiki bangunan dan berbagai struktur yang telah dirusak oleh badai. Memperbaiki bangunan tempat tinggal dan toko akan mengembalikan penduduk pulau. Dan dengan memperbaiki struktur seperti jembatan akan membuka area baru. Memperbaiki bangunan seperti gudang dan kandang di peternakan akan memungkinkan mereka untuk digunakan. Panduan ini memberikan apa saja yang kamu butuhkan untuk mengembalikan semuanya.

Nama Material Harga
Fertilizer BinSoftwood Lumber x20500 G
Chicken CoopSoftwood Lumber x20
Material Stone x7
1,000 G
Animal BarnSoftwood Lumber x30
Material Stone x10
1,500 G
WindmillSoftwood Lumber x20
Iron x2
1,000 G
Well (x2)Softwood Lumber x5
Stone x10
Bronze x3
1,000 G
Small Bridge (x2)Hardwood Lumber x10
Silver x3
1,000 G
Large Bridge (x2)Hardwood Lumber x20
Adamantite x3
Cotton Candy Wool x2
50,000 G
Well (x3)Hardwood Lumber x5
Material Stone x10
Orichalcum x3
1,000 G

Beacon Town
Nama Material Harga
Sam's General StoreSoftwood Lumber x5100 G
Carol's FlowersSoftwood Lumber x7200 G
Bastian's RestaurantSoftwood Lumber x10
Stone x5
Perch x2
1,500 G
Tabitha's HouseSoftwood Lumber x10
Stone x20
300 G
Gareth's HouseSoftwood Lumber x10
Stone x20
300 G
Cyril's HouseSoftwood Lumber x15
Stone x5
Tulip x3
1,500 G

Lighthouse Overlook
Nama Material Harga
Lighthouse PierHardwood Lumber x30
Softwood Lumber x10
Donkey Fur x5
5,000 G
BridgeStone x30
Material Stone x10
Mythril x2
5,000 G

Nama Material Harga
Southwest BridgeSoftwood Lumber x5
Stone x2
600 G
Sofia's LivestockSoftwood Lumber x5
Material Stone x10
300 G
Central BridgeSoftwood Lumber x5600 G
Gus's SmithySoftwood Lumber x20500 G
MineSoftwood Lumber x10500 G
Goddess Spring Bridge (x2)Softwood Lumber x5
Material Stone x10
1,000 G
Doc's ArchitectsMaterial Stone x10
Iron x3
Glass x2
1,000 G
Hot SpringsHardwood Lumber x5500 G
WindmillHardwood Lumber x20
Bronze x2
3,000 G
Fertilizer BinHardwood Lumber x101,000 G
Well (x4)Hardwood Lumber x5
Material Stone x10
Orichalcum x3
1,000 G

Nama Material Harga
Nova's Shop by the SeaHardwood Lumber x10
Softwood Lumber x30
3,000 G
Southern PierMaterial Stone x30
Iron x5
Mithril x2
5,000 G
Central BridgeHardwood Lumber x20
Gold x2
1,000 G
Eastern BridgeHardwood Lumber x20
Adamantite x3
Silky Fur x2
50,000 G
Fertilizer BinHardwood Lumber x205,000 G
WindmillHardwood Lumber x20
Silver x2
8,000 G
Well (x2)Hardwood Lumber x10
Material Stone x10
Orichalcum x3
1,000 G

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